Early Detection Of Alzheimer’s Through Speech

Early detection of Alzheimer’s through speech can slow down the deterioration of the brain, since it enables treatment in the preclinical phase.

The soul of a person is in his memory. Without it, we lose our identity, our ideas, and our feelings. For this reason, suffering from a disease like Alzheimer’s is terrifying for us. It seems inconceivable to us to continue breathing or walking without being who we are.

For this reason, many scientists dedicate a large part of their lives to fight against this phenomenon. Unfortunately, his cure is not near; instead, much progress has been made in early diagnosis. Among these advances, the method of a team of biomedical engineers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV) stands out. They have discovered how to detect Alzheimer’s early through speech.

This is a non-aggressive test. So much so that patients do not realize that they are being evaluated. It consists of examining their ability to speak and remember words, while they tell a story.

It is safer than the classic repetition of a sequence of words, given that those evaluated are aware of the control. When you realize that you are being examined, you become nervous and may make more mistakes.

Early detection of Alzheimer’s has never been cheaper and easier

Once Alzheimer’s is suspected, the standard is to start a fairly aggressive testing process. Blood tests, MRIs, CT. This represents a real ordeal for patients, at the same time that they mean a high cost for the health system.

However, early detection of Alzheimer’s through speech puts a stop to this situation. The possible patient only has to tell an anecdote of his life in a relaxed atmosphere. Meanwhile, the doctor records the conversation to detect alterations in the story.

The Basque team stresses the importance of pauses to remember words. One of the first symptoms to appear is forgetting words, even when you are not yet immersed in the disease.

Suddenly, you have a hard time remembering everyday terms, like microwave or toothbrush. You don’t erase them from your mind, but you do have to rummage through your brain to find the exact word for what you want to communicate.

Early detection of Alzheimer’s through speech, lifesavers for thousands of people


From the UPV they warn of the importance of the new method, since more than 46 million people in the world suffer from this disease. In addition, it is expected that, in the case of not finding new solutions, in developed countries the figure will increase.

For this reason, it is very important that techniques such as the early detection of Alzheimer’s through speech are put into practice. Evil can be fought when the brain is not yet damaged.

Thus, its progress will be slowed by exercises that will strengthen it, so that the essence of the people we love, or ours, will continue to exist for longer.

The benefits of the study are demonstrated by the institutions that support it. Among them are prestigious Spanish universities, but also different associations of relatives of Alzheimer’s patients.

Family members feel accompanied by these findings

It is true that Alzheimer’s patients suffer a very painful process. However, their relatives are seen in a vortex of events that come upon them, without knowing how to act. As with other similar ailments, caregivers report feeling lonely and disoriented.

In this sense, the associations constitute a refuge and an immeasurable guide for them. There they find a place to take care of themselves a little, in the company of other people who are going through the same trance.

This need, the direct knowledge of what it means for the most important person in your life to disappear little by little, leads them to fight for the condition to be more controllable every day.

For this reason, they support initiatives such as this method for the early detection of Alzheimer’s through speech. The concern of doctors to stop it is a hope for all.

This group is not the only one that appreciates the dedication of biomedicals, we are all attentive to it. Tomorrow it could be our parents’ turn, or even us.

As we know, cases of early Alzheimer’s are becoming more common. Therefore, any innovation in this field should be celebrated and serve as a spur for continued investment in it.

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