Foods That Should Not Be Combined

Maintaining a balanced diet as healthy as possible helps us maintain a healthy lifestyle and provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. To achieve this, it is very important to know that there are foods that should not be combined. 

If we join them correctly, they can be very useful to improve some health problems, since each of them contributes its properties. When these are mixed properly, they can benefit the body.

Therefore,  when it comes to eating it is very important to know how to choose the foods that we are going to incorporate. A wrong mixture can cause adverse reactions in the body. Pay attention to this article and discover some foods that should never be combined if you want to maintain a balanced diet.

What are the foods that should not be combined?

Spinach and cheese

Spinach contains substances called oxalates , which prevent the body from absorbing calcium correctly. For this reason,  it is not convenient to mix spinach with cheese and other dairy products.

Instead, calcium products must be combined with foods that contain a significant amount of vitamin D. This nutrient has been shown to enhance the absorption of the mineral and increase bone density.

Liquids in meals

It is important to know that drinking too much fluids with meals is not highly recommended, since digestion slows down much, which could be harmful to health.

If you are one of the people who cannot eat without drinking liquids, you have to reduce the amount you are used to as much as possible. According to a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition Research , drinking water before eating increases feelings of fullness, which can lead to an inadequate supply of nutrients.

Sugar and other sweet foods

White sugar

Adding more sugar to foods that are already sweet should be avoided at all costs, since the number of calories that the body has to assimilate in a harmful way is being increased. Keep in mind that added sugars are capable of damaging health when consumed in excess, as experts claim.

Magnesium-rich foods and soft drinks

Cereals, and all foods that contain magnesium, should never be combined with soft drinks. This is because these sugary drinks contain phosphates, which prevent magnesium from being absorbed properly.

Carbohydrates, starches and acidic foods

Both carbohydrates and starches begin digestion in the mouth, for which they need proper chewing and an alkaline medium. In contrast,  acidic foods slow down the digestion process.  For this reason, it is not advisable to add tomato to pasta or rice, for example.

Sweet and sour fruits

Fruit for dessert

Sweet and sour fruits are among the foods that should not be combined.  When we do this, chemical reactions occur that can harm the normal behavior of the body.

Dairy and lentils

There are a couple of important reasons not to combine dairy with products like lentils. In the first place, the iron contained in these legumes may be affected, since the calcium in milk decreases its bioavailability by competing in its intestinal absorption.

On the other hand, the fat and protein from dairy, added to the fiber and protein from lentils, overload the digestive system and can trigger an episode of gas and bloating. 

Sauces in meals

In general, almost all sauces are sources of fat, which makes digestion too slow. This happens because they neutralize the enzymes of gastric juices, which prevents them from performing their function in the correct way. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce its consumption as much as possible.

Watch out for food combinations

You have already seen that it is very easy to learn to combine food correctly. We only have to take these tips into account when preparing and serving them. In this way we will help ourselves to avoid many health complications. Even so, do not forget to consult your doctor if you suffer from a digestive problem.

Keep in mind that the fact of combining foods that interact with each other can also cause gastric discomfort. If you identify a specific one associated with a particular culinary preparation, consult a specialist.

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