How To Lose Weight In A Short Time

Sometimes we want to lose weight in a short time. Maybe to wear that dress that looks so good on an important event, or simply to look and feel better in tea. In this article we explain how to achieve it.

Luckily there are ways to lose a significant amount of weight in a short time and without putting our health and well-being at risk. These recommendations do not have a rebound effect. That is, you will not gain weight easily again. Do you want to know how to get rid of those extra kilos quickly? Keep reading!

Drink water

It is important to avoid taking fruit juices from sachets, soft drinks, energy drinks, beer and any other drink that provides calories, sugars and sodium. These beverages can make the body retain fluids and are also not satiating.

The only satiating drink that does not cause fluid retention and does not add calories is water. If you substitute any sweetened drink for water you will notice the change immediately. In fact, its weight loss benefits were noted in a post in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, which highlights that water has a thermogenic effect that could be key in weight loss plans.

In other words, this drink stimulates the functions of the metabolism and can contribute to increase the total energy expenditure for greater weight loss.

Reduce portion sizes

Do not worry only about taking care of the amount of calories you consume, also learn to control the amount of food you eat at each meal. For this, it is best to reduce the size of the portions.

Another option is to introduce some intermittent fasting protocol. These have been shown to be effective in promoting weight loss and improving health. Enlist the help of a nutrition professional to get it started.

Best for beginners is to skip breakfast. Later, the duration of the fast can be extended up to 24 hours. However, it is not advisable to do prolonged fasts, since these reduce the lean mass of the body. This situation causes an impact on the basal metabolic rate, which can generate a lower daily caloric expenditure.

Do exercise every day

If you want to lose weight in a few days it is really necessary to do sports, at least once a day and a minimum of 30 minutes of intense exercise. You can go for a run in the morning or in the afternoon, join a good gym … The point is that you move and achieve your purpose. It is also important that you stay active during the day to lose weight in a short time.

Keep in mind that to lose weight the most effective is strength exercise. Interval physical activity is also capable of exerting a significant effect on body composition, as stated in an article published in the journal Obesity Reviews .

Eat fewer carbohydrates, more fiber, and more protein

Foods with dietary fiber to combat constipation in children.

Foods rich in simple carbohydrates (refined flours, sugars) raise blood glucose and can make you gain weight. Foods that contain a good amount of fiber are satiating, help eliminate toxins and promote intestinal transit, which will help you lose weight in a short time. If you also want to improve your muscle tone, add protein to your diet.

He thinks that the ingestion of carbohydrates in excess has been associated with the development of many metabolic and complex pathologies. In this sense, it may be advisable for sedentary people to introduce a small portion of low-glycemic carbohydrates into the diet, but the priority must always be proteins and fats.

On the other hand, do not forget to consume vegetables very regularly. These foods provide phytonutrients with antioxidant character, key nutrients to ensure the proper functioning of the body. In addition, these substances block the appearance of free radicals, which have been considered harmful to the human body. Try to introduce them into the diet on a daily basis.

Avoid certain foods

Junk food is bad for your health

It is essential to reduce the consumption of foods that contain significant amounts of fats, such as oils, butter or cheeses. But above all, avoid fast and precooked food, sugary desserts, ice cream, chocolates, and in general all sweets that are rich in trans fats.

Think that additives can also be dangerous for the body. Artificial sweeteners, for example, are capable of generating unfavorable changes in the intestinal microbiota, which conditions the metabolism of nutrients.

Lose weight to improve health

Remember that the most important thing is your health. If you reach a suitable weight you will feel more vital and you will reduce the risk of suffering from important diseases associated with excess weight. To achieve this objective, it is essential to adapt the diet and practice physical activity on a regular basis.

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