How To Repel Flies From Your Home With 5 Home Remedies

Flies are those unpleasant insects that usually settle on various surfaces in our home, especially in spaces such as the kitchen, the dining room and any area where we handle food.

While we care to keep them away, they are drawn to dirty spaces, garbage bags and food waste that we don’t store properly.

The problem is that, beyond being seen as unhygienic, they represent a health risk, since they are carriers of infectious microorganisms.

Fortunately, in addition to the chemicals they sell to eliminate them, there are 100% natural solutions that help fight them without exposing our health.

In this post we want to share 5 interesting home options to repel flies before resorting to aggressive insecticides. Aim!

1. Apple cider vinegar

The acidic compounds in apple cider vinegar are helpful in repelling a wide variety of insects, including flies.

Apple cider vinegar.

The scent attracts flies, so once you concentrate them, it becomes easier to isolate and kill them. This is stated in this study carried out by the Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan)

How can I use it?

  • Heat the apple cider vinegar and pour it into a jar.
  • Put a funnel in the mouth of the jar and place it in the area where there are usually flies.
  • As the hours go by, you will notice how they fall into the trap.
  • If you like, you can optionally sprinkle the vinegar on the insects.

2. Thyme, very useful against flies

Thyme is one of the aromatic plants that can help keep flies away from all surfaces in the home.

By putting its branches in areas such as the kitchen or dining room we can prevent these insects from landing on food. This is stated in this study carried out by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

How to use?

  • Make several bouquets of fresh thyme and put them on doors, windows, and any area where flies can filter.
  • Alternatively, prepare a concentrated infusion of the plant and allow its vapors to dissipate through the invaded spaces.

3. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil has become popular as a natural repellent, as according to this research from the National Research Center of Egypt, it   helps prevent bites from mosquitoes, ants and various microbes. 

Lavender essential oil against flies.

Its antiseptic and aromatic properties help to minimize the negative consequences that certain bugs produce in the home.

In addition to this, it is ideal to drive away flies, since they do not support its pungent smell.

How to use?

  • Dampen a piece of cloth with lavender essential oil and put it in a small jar.
  • Place the jar in a strategic area to keep flies away.
  • After 3-4 days, add lavender again.
  • As an option, you can also use lavender in steam or spray.

4. Calendula, your ally to repel flies

Calendula is an interesting alternative to drive away some insects, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Tehran (Iran). It has antiseptic properties that help keep the spaces of the home cleaner and fresher.

Its properties help purify the air and neutralize certain odors that are attractive to flies.

How to use it?

  • Put several bouquets of calendula flowers in the areas of your home where these annoying insects usually perch.
  • You can also prepare it as an infusion and use the liquid to clean dirty surfaces.

5. Cayenne pepper

The aroma of cayenne pepper can repel the annoying flies that invade certain spaces in our house.

Cayenne pepper vs. mocha.

They find their spiciness quite annoying and can actually kill them when they come in direct contact with the ingredient. This study by Yunnan Agricultural University suggests so.

How should I use it?

  • Dilute some cayenne pepper in warm water and pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray it directly on flies or surfaces where they usually land.

6. Cucumber?

Its refreshing ingredient has always been believed to be a great solution to prevent the proliferation of flies in spaces like the trash can.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support it.

Tired of dealing with flies? Remember that, in addition to using these remedies, you must verify that the surfaces of your home are clean and disinfected.

If you have a fruit bowl, cover it with a mesh or tulle fabric so that these insects do not infect them.

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