Is There A Relationship Between Headache And Eye Pain?

Annoying headache (headache) and eye pain are one of the most common symptoms in the general population. Sometimes it can spread to other regions, while at other times the same sight is the source of the problem.

In any case, due to the enormous variety of reasons that can trigger these painful crises, it is advisable to see a doctor when the frequency of appearance is very high. Below you will find a short article that explains the relationship between eye pain and headache and their possible associated causes.

Possible causes of headaches associated with eye pain of extra-ocular origin

There are many mechanisms that allow the coexistence of both types of pain. The most common is called pain radiation , a process that has to do with the complex interaction between neurons.

It may be due to a process that occurred in the head and later affected the territory of the eyes. This category encompasses several conditions that can be infectious or neuropsychological in origin.


It is very common and it is the inflammation of infectious origin of the paranasal sinuses. These anatomical structures are pneumatic cavities (that is, filled with air) found in the bones of the face and skull.

Its main functions include producing mucus and heating the air. In many patients there may be conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae that originate it.

In the clinic it is characterized by severe pain that worsens with palpation of the affected sinus, runny nose (rhinorrhea), fever and general malaise. Some cases require the administration of antibiotics.

Man with sinusitis and headache.

Tension headache

It is one of the most important causes of headaches in the world and is usually caused by muscle contractions. Of course, these are triggered in certain conditions of stress, anxiety, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

The pain can occur in many places in the head and radiate into the eyes. It usually improves with rest and some commonly used pain relievers.


Unlike the previous example, migraine headaches tend to produce much more severe and disabling pain. In general terms, it is possible to differentiate two types, depending on whether or not it has aura.

The aura is a set of abnormal sensations that involve the visual, auditory and olfactory senses and that occur in relation to pain. Migraine with aura is also known as typical , but it is not the most common. It often affects the eyes and, in severe cases, may require hospitalization when the discomfort does not stop after several days.

Cluster headache

Also known as Horton’s headache , it is an exception to this list. This is because in many cases the pain can start in one eye, but the cause is not related to an ocular pathology.

Although it is of unknown origin, it is known that it tends to be distributed in one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve, whose territory covers the entire face. This can be triggered for different reasons, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, and its denomination in clusters refers to the periodicity of the attacks.

Patients suffer intense accesses that are difficult to manage, which can occur several times a day or continuously. Then they stop for a long period. For this reason, it could be considered to have a seasonal or temporary pattern.

Possible causes of headaches associated with eye pain of ocular origin

In this section we will describe the most common diseases that lead to decreased visual acuity. In most cases, the extra effort to carry out daily activities can lead to headaches.

Refractive vices

This term is used when there is an anatomical problem in the eye that generates an altered projection of the image on the retina. Of course, the end result is decreased visual acuity, which can be near or far. The following are included:

  • Myopia: light rays converge before the retina.
  • Farsightedness: light rays converge behind the retina.
  • Astigmatism: caused by anatomical defects in the cornea.

If you do not have treatment, a greater effort is made to obtain better visual acuity, which results in pain.


The human eye is able to focus on nearby objects thanks to the action of the lens, a small organ. The process in question is called accommodation and up to age 45 it should work perfectly.

From then on, its tissue and that of the muscles that support it begins to wear out as a natural part of aging. This produces presbyopia, which is characterized by difficulty in visualizing and focusing on nearby objects. As in the previous case, it is a condition capable of generating temporary pain.


This condition is characterized by the deviation of one or both eyeballs, which causes difficulty in focusing the images. Many cases are congenital and tend to improve with ophthalmologic procedures and outpatient therapies.

Problems begin to appear when a case of abrupt strabismus appears in an adult patient. In addition to the obvious deviation of the eyeball, there is double vision and a severe headache.

Acute glaucoma

Acute glaucoma is a medical emergency characterized by increased intraocular pressure above normal limits. Patients usually report severe localized pain in the affected eye that radiates to the rest of the head, accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity.

The problem is that this increase in pressure can irreversibly damage the fibers of the optic nerve. Simply put, a person can go blind if they go untreated for acute glaucoma.

Glasses on a girl.

Tips to prevent headaches and eyes

Preventing headaches is difficult, especially when it comes to primary causes in which there is no identifiable trigger. Some cases of migraine attacks can be avoided by reducing exposure to some known triggers, such as food, stress, or alcohol.

Pain behaves in a similar way throughout the body and the irradiation of this sensation is quite common. Most medical conditions in the craniofacial region that cause headaches tend to have a benign and transient cause.

However, when these crises occur frequently, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The professional will evaluate the possibility of establishing a temporary treatment or investigating other underlying diseases.

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