Natural Treatments For Soft And Young Hands

Hands are a part of our body that we do not usually take care of too much. However, they suffer especially from the work, the cleaning chemicals we use, etc.

In this article we explain how you can take care of your skin in a simple and natural way. In addition, we will give you some natural remedies for rough, dry, cold, sweaty or wounded hands.

Sugar scrub

The first step is to avoid roughness in the area. To do this, we must exfoliate the skin of the hands to eliminate the dead cells that accumulate in the outer layer of the skin and give a rough feeling.

To do this, we will use sugar as a remedy:

  • We will need only one tablespoon.
  • We must massage our hands well with the sugar, always gently, as if we were washing them.
  • This exfoliation can be done once a week.
  • Then we will rinse well with warm water and move on to the next step: hydration.

Hydration with oils

We can buy specific moisturizers. However, if we want to opt for something more natural, we can use vegetable oils. We will choose them according to our skin type:

  • For very dry hands : almond oil or sesame oil.
  • For normal or greasy hands : coconut oil or jojoba oil.

We will apply these oils daily, once in the morning and once before going to bed.

Calendula and aloe vera for scratches

There are people who, due to their work or occupation, continually suffer scratches or wounds on their hands. For those people, we recommend creams based on calendula and aloe vera, since both help better healing.

Aloe vera can also be applied directly if we have the plant at home, opening a leaf and directly applying the gel that comes out of it.


Argan for very dry hands

For hands that are very dry and rough, we recommend regularly applying argan oil, as a mask for the hands, to deeply nourish them and keep them young.

The texture of argan is very greasy, so we can leave it on for half an hour and then wipe off the oil residue with a towel or handkerchief.

Cold hand remedy

There are people whose hands get very cold. In addition, they tend to turn whitish or bluish. On the other hand, cold hands can show a circulation problem.  Therefore, in the long run, your appearance will also worsen.

To do this, we recommend an internal treatment, in parallel with the application of the oils that we have discussed above, to which we can add a few drops of ginger oil.

We will take ginkgo biloba infusions daily, which, in addition to not having side effects, helps us oxygenate and improve peripheral circulation, that is, of the extremities. We suggest, after consulting your doctor, take the infusions daily for three months and rest for one or two months, and then repeat the treatment if necessary.

Treat sweaty hands

Hands that sweat excessively are a problem of nervous origin. Therefore, we can use club moss spores or plant sulfur to absorb excess sweat.

We can always carry a box with us to apply them when we need it.

Hella Delicious club moss

Final recommendations

Finally, for better care, we recommend following the following indications whenever possible:

  • Always wear gloves when we are going to carry out cleaning tasks with aggressive products for the skin, especially when washing dishes
  • Choose soaps with a neutral pH, since most include substances that in the long run damage the protective layers of the skin. We will preferably choose glycerin or coconut soaps, which are quite natural, or those from herbalists, made with vegetable oils.
  • Let’s not forget to protect them from extreme climates, such as excessive sun, cold or wind. Good gloves and nourishing creams will be the best remedy.

Images courtesy of hella Delicious, cuervo_J and debcil

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