Recommendations To Avoid Or Reduce Stretch Marks

In addition to preventing stretch marks, hydration can also help us to minimize existing ones. We can apply commercial creams or prepare a homemade moisturizer with aloe vera and oils

After pregnancy and when you gain or lose weight very quickly, it is likely that white or reddish marks will appear on different parts of the body (especially on the hips, belly and thighs). A lot of women suffer from this problem… The good news is that it can be helped to avoid or reduce them!

Keep reading this article to find out  how to avoid or reduce stretch marks naturally.

If you have a genetic predisposition to stretch marks, you should not be alarmed, but do everything possible so that they do not appear with so much “force”.

It is true that stretch marks do not disappear completely despite treatments, although you can minimize them or avoid their appearance.

Some recommendations that can help you avoid or reduce stretch marks are:

Use moisturizer

Not only if you are pregnant. At any time in life (and more after 20 or 25 years) it is necessary to use a good moisturizer. This way the skin will be stronger and more moisturized and there will be less chance of stretch marks appearing.

Put on a cream with natural ingredients every day and, if possible, make it somewhat thick.

If the first stretch marks have already developed, take the opportunity to apply cream so that they do not continue to expand. A good option to hydrate the skin without resorting to creams sold in stores is to use oils and aloe vera.


  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (20 g)


  • Mix everything in a container and apply to the affected area with circular movements.
  • Allow at least 15 minutes to pass before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Take advantage of vitamin E

You can get a vitamin E capsule at health food stores and add it to your daily moisturizer. It has more than interesting properties to reduce stretch marks.

Massage with egg yolk

Egg yolk treatment

The egg is a great source of protein, both when we eat it and if we use it externally. It is recommended to make hair shiny and to remove stretch marks when they have recently formed.

It is recommended in women in their first months of pregnancy because, in addition, it prevents future scar formation. You just have to beat an egg and pass it over the affected area once a day.

Use essential oils

The effectiveness of essential oils for prettier skin is widely known. This home remedy does not eliminate them 100% if they are very large, deep or old, but it can help to disguise them a bit.

Remember that essential oils do not spread directly on the dermis because they can cause irritation or allergy. Mix with olive or almond oil. You can also mix with a cream that you use regularly.

The best essential oils that will help you reduce stretch marks are:

  • Lavender
  • Indian frankincense (from Boswellia)
  • rose
  • rosehip
  • Geranium
  • Myrrh

Tips to avoid or reduce stretch marks

Once stretch marks have formed, they can be alleviated with homemade recipes, but also with healthier habits. Avoid getting deeper or thicker:

1. Protect the skin from the sun

At first the stretch marks are deep red but, with the passage of time, the tone fades until it is lighter than the skin. If you do not take care of them from UV rays, it will be more difficult for them to be a dull or less striking color.

Solar radiation weakens the skin and makes it look worse.

If you go to the beach, do not hesitate to apply a sun cream with at least SPF 15. For after the sun you can use aloe vera.

2. Stay hydrated and exfoliate

In addition to drinking your 2 liters of water per day, you need to moisturize your skin with a quality cream. Remember that if the dermis loses elasticity it will be more prone to stretch due to weight changes or pregnancy.

If you have very dry skin, hydrate every day, in the morning and at night.

It would also be good if you exfoliated once a week with a natural product such as sugar, coffee or oatmeal. Don’t forget to moisturize after this treatment.

3. Don’t smoke

Person with smoking habits

While it is true that pregnant women should not smoke, this advice also applies to those who have the bad habit outside of pregnancy. Cigarette smoke is very damaging to the skin.

Compounds that enter the body damage it from the inside. Attention, that if you are in contact with someone who smokes at home or at work it can also wreak havoc on your skin.

4. Camouflages stretch marks

Although it is not a way to eliminate them, it can help you not to be so noticeable. Some women choose to tan and others to apply makeup. This is a temporary solution and for a specific occasion.

5. Exercise

Woman exercising

Sport helps your skin to be firmer and healthier. You will eliminate toxins, control your weight and prevent the dermis from stretching.

Try aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week. It is not advisable to choose a bodybuilding exercise because it is counterproductive for your stretch mark problem: it stretches the skin and breaks down the fibers.

6. Get more vitamin C

Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits and in various fruits such as kiwi or strawberry.

It is a very important nutrient for health because, in addition to preventing us from getting sick, it increases the production of collagen, the protein responsible for giving tissue firmness, integrity and flexibility.

It also helps reduce inflammation of the dermis and protects it from the sun’s radiation.

Try to follow these recommendations in order to avoid or reduce stretch marks, they can help you have a more beautiful and healthy skin.

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