The 3 Best Cereals For Weight Loss

You may be more than saturated with so-called miracle diets by now. From our space we want to provide you with simple and healthy ideas so that you can improve your quality of life. That is why to lose weight, we recommend including these wonderful cereals in your diet. Are you going to miss them?

Remember that maintaining a healthy weight is essential in order to guarantee an adequate state of health. In this process, lifestyle habits, both diet and physical exercise and rest, influence above all. Therefore, start now to achieve a good state of body composition.

Are cereals effective for weight loss?

Lately it is becoming very popular to substitute, for example, a dinner for a plate of cereals. Many brands try to convince us that it is an ideal way to lose weight.

But we have to be careful, cereals are a complement in the diet, and should not replace a lunch or dinner. It is a perfect way to supplement our diet to lose weight. Its secret is basically in the following aspects:

  • Cereals are satiating and prevent us from eating between meals. They provide us with nutrients and fiber to keep us in perfect condition until the next meal.
  • We can, for example, supplement cereals with protein. For example, for dinner it would be good to prepare a small piece of salmon, or a little turkey in the oven. Then a plate of oatmeal with fruit. Something like this is ideal, since in this way the caloric index is very low and we lose weight.
  • You should also know that we cannot overindulge in cereal consumption. The appropriate thing is to have a cup of oatmeal, or a cup of teff or chia seeds a day. Being digestive, nutritious, and satiating we can lose up to half a kilo a week, but do not exceed its consumption.

Also, remember to supplement your cereal intake with a low-fat diet and some exercise.

The best cereals for weight loss

We are going to present you the best varieties of cereals when the objective is to reduce body weight.

1. The trendy cereal for weight loss: teff

Teff flour

You may not have heard of him yet. But it is taking a very important boom after demonstrating its clear effectiveness in losing weight and maintaining a proper line, as well as excellent health. 

First of all, teff is a cereal that has always been consumed in Africa. It is more than 5000 years old and is already marketed in all countries of the world. That is why it should not cost you much to find it in your usual supermarket or natural stores.

It is ideal for maintaining good health thanks to its vitamin supplement and its high iron content. In addition, it is a cereal rich in carbohydrates, fiber and without any gluten. It’s also great for people with type II diabetes.

Remember that simple sugars are related to a worse state of health, as stated in a study published in Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. In this sense, teff is a safe value, since the carbohydrates it contains are complex, which does not generate excessive increases in blood glucose.

But what is your secret to help us lose weight?

  • It is easy to digest.
  • Regulates fat burning.
  • Regulates constipation.
  • It is satiating. Fiber has been shown to reduce appetite.
  • It is incredibly healthy to eliminate toxins and promote bowel movement.

Consumption mode

You can mix it with your vegetable milks for breakfast. You can make bread, cakes, cookies, and nutritional bars . You only need a little to satisfy hunger and get great nutrients. Isn’t it fantastic?

2. The wonderful properties of oats

Natural oat flakes in a bowl.

Surely you already knew. Oatmeal stands out as one of the best superfoods. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) speaks of this cereal as one of the most nutritious and healthy, ideal to include in our food pyramid.

Did you know that it is great to lose weight? That’s how it is. Oatmeal is a cereal that satisfies the appetite and is also an excellent digestive and nutritional regulator with which you can gradually eliminate fat little by little. But yes, you have to be constant and take it every day as part of a balanced diet.

It has fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements.  It is also very suitable for diabetic people as it regulates the blood sugar level.

It should also be noted that oats have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. This is due to the presence of fibers in its composition known as beta glucans. Its power on the modulation of the microbiota has been evidenced in the scientific literature.

You already know, oatmeal is a natural gift that we cannot neglect. It will help you lose weight, hence you should include it daily in your breakfast.

3. Chia seeds, source of health

Chia seeds.

Although they are not precisely cereals, chia seeds have a similar contribution to these. Despite having a long therapeutic tradition in health and nutrition, it is now that the value of chia seeds is being rediscovered , also ideal for weight loss.

First of all, we must know that they are an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, calcium, proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. A treasure trove of properties that also prevent us from snacking between meals thanks to their satiating effect. They are great to combine with liquids, with smoothies and even with yogurts.

They are very digestive, prevent constipation and, in addition,  regulate the presence of sugar in the blood. They are fantastic and worth including in your diet.

Cereals can help you lose weight, take advantage of them!

Although cereals are foods that can be included in the diet regularly when the goal is to lose weight, keep in mind that it is necessary to always do it in moderation. Not by taking them in greater quantity, the benefits they provide will be more immediate.

Also, the ideal is always to choose the varieties, natural, without sugar. Otherwise you will experience the opposite effect, while the pancreas suffers excessive stress that conditions its function.

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