Therapies To Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by causing musculoskeletal pain. Although it involves medical treatment, there are natural therapies that help alleviate your symptoms.

Treatments to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms often include pain relievers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. These options, which are usually prescribed by the doctor, are aimed at minimizing pain and other related discomfort.

Patients with this disease have long-term, chronic pain in their muscles and bones. In turn, this leads to points of sensitivity, fatigue, concentration problems and other manifestations that affect the quality of life.

Although it is essential to attend to the medical recommendations for the control of the disease, a series of natural therapies that contribute to its relief can also be considered. In this opportunity, we want to share with you 5 good alternatives.

What is fibromyalgia?

Before knowing the remedies to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia, it is convenient to do a brief review of the disease. As already mentioned, patients with this disorder have prolonged or chronic musculoskeletal pain, constant fatigue, weakness, and sleep problems.

Your symptoms are listed as subjective and cannot be measured by tests. For this reason, establishing its cause is difficult and, often, its diagnosis is also difficult. However, thanks to research, the disease is becoming a little more understood.

Thus, researchers from the Israel Institute of Rheumatology suggest that it may be caused by genetics, infections, constant stress, trauma and environmental factors. Likewise, it is hypothesized that the brain and nervous system misinterpret pain signals, exaggerating it. With which, it could also have its origin in an imbalance of brain chemistry.

Fibromyalgia symptoms

Fibromyalgia is related to tender points that cause severe pain, even under mild pressure. Until a while ago, these points were key to its diagnosis. However, at present, they are rarely taken into account; since doctors have other key criteria to identify the disease.

Woman with hands behind her back

A constant dull ache that affects many areas of the body for more than three months is an indication of this disorder. However, the professional also takes into account other symptoms such as:

  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Concentration problems.
  • Constant headaches
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Prolonged tiredness or chronic fatigue.
  • Sleeping for long periods without feeling rested.

Natural therapies to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms

Some patients are unable to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms with conventional drug treatments. For this reason, some natural therapies that help alleviate pain have become popular for some time. Next, we share the most important ones.


Yoga is one of the best complementary exercises for reducing fibromyalgia symptoms. In fact, its benefits have been proven through various investigations. 

Along these lines, a study developed by several researchers at the University of York showed that this discipline helps to improve mood and minimize symptoms of pain and fatigue.

yoga helps reduce fibromyalgia symptoms

Therefore, the practice of gentle postures is recommended to increase muscle strength and reduce stiffness. Also, it is convenient to incorporate meditation and breathing exercises, as they increase the benefits.


Another popular therapy that some people use to control this disease is acupuncture. It is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine, in which fine needles are inserted into the skin and distributed at different points on the body. In this line, people who do not tolerate needles can resort to acupressure.

Its objectives include:

  • Reduce chronic pain.
  • Stimulate a change in blood flow.
  • Produce a change in the levels of brain neurotransmitters.

As shown by the following study published in 2013 by the Research Institute for Health and Discipline Innovations in Chinese Medicine, people with fibromyalgia can consider this option with the support of their doctor. However, it is important to verify that the practice is carried out by a licensed professional, since poor performance can lead to serious consequences.


Meditation is a natural activity that has managed to spread throughout the world. Thus, an investigation carried out at the University of Granada recognizes its effects on physical and mental health ; as it helps to control those imbalances that affect ailments.

Because of this, it is a popular supplement for reducing fibromyalgia symptoms ; especially when it is accompanied by stress, anxiety and depression.

Tai Chi

Along these lines, tai chi is an ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine. It consists of moving the body slowly through a series of postures.

Man doing tai chi

Its practice is said to be part of the therapies for chronic pain and fibromyalgia, since its benefits include the reduction of pain and the improvement of the quality of sleep.

Manual lymphatic drainage therapy

Manual lymphatic drainage therapy is a type of massage aimed at stimulating circulation. In this way, 50 women participated in an experiment published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics in which it was shown that its application helped improve the movement of lymphatic fluid through the body.

Along these lines, going to several sessions can reduce fatigue and anxiety. It also has a positive effect on relieving pain and stiffness.

Consult with your doctor if you have discomfort and concerns

If you identify any of the symptoms described here, do not hesitate to go to the doctor to offer you an accurate diagnosis. Although these options are a good alternative, they are not a substitute for medical treatment.

So, if the professional admits it, you can complement the prescribed treatment with any of these natural therapies. You dare?

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