What Is The Adequate Amount Of Protein In A Diet

A balanced diet requires the presence of protein. However, they must be consumed properly so that they do not harm the body.

There are many nutrients that we must consume for the body to function properly. Now, it is important to know what is the appropriate amount of protein in the diet.

As a publication in the Food & Function magazine points out , protein is a macronutrient of great importance in the diet. Its deficiency can cause growth retardation, anemia, physical weakness, edema, vascular dysfunction, and impaired immunity.

On the contrary, when consumed in excess it can cause digestive, kidney and vascular abnormalities. For this reason, we invite you to know how you should include protein in your daily menus. This will improve your health, your quality of life and your weight.

The need for protein in the diet

Protein foods

For starters, protein can help us build, regenerate, and maintain all the tissues that make up the body. It acts at the level of tendons, muscles, organs and even the skin itself.

In this sense, Andrew J. Nightingale, Ph.D in bioinformatics and biochemistry at EMBL-EBI, member of the Universal Protein Repository (UniProt, for its acronym in English), stated that human beings “are made of proteins.”

Similarly, he explained that this element is necessary for communication between cells. Finally, also for its regulation and difference.

What are proteins?

Proteins are macromolecules that are composed primarily of essential amino acids. Humans do not produce them, but are obtained through food. These are as follows:

  • Phenylalanine
  • Isoleucine.
  • Leucine.
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine.
  • Histidine.

Most are found entirely in animal products such as milk, meat, poultry, eggs, and fish. On the other hand, products of plant origin generally have an incomplete protein load. That is, they do not have the nine amino acids necessary for the individual.

Because of this, people on a vegan diet should make sure they get enough protein in their diet. They should eat a variety of vegetables that complement each other and are able to offer all the nutrients that the body needs.

What is the proper amount of protein in the diet?

Is it good to stop eating meat?

According to WHO

The calculation that defines the amount of protein in the diet has a proportional relationship with body mass. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the appropriate amount of protein will vary according to gender and age.

However, they establish a general recommendation that says: “A person aged 16 to 18 needs 0.90 grams of protein per kilogram. And in one in adulthood, from 18 years old, only 0.75 grams ”.

However, when it comes to an individual who maintains a constant exercise routine or practices sports, specialists recommend that they consume 2.5 grams of calories for every 1.8 kilograms.

Health benefits

This will help you increase your muscle mass, improve your performance, and speed up your recovery process. In addition, protein consumption can also help you find your ideal weight.

According to research from the University of Maastricht, in the Netherlands, “protein in a diet is ideal for treating obesity and metabolic syndrome.” This allows people to burn body fat quickly and increase feelings of fullness.

Similarly, the University of Missouri, in the United States, developed a study in which it concluded: “Breakfasts with a high protein content prevent the increase in body fat and stabilize glucose levels in overweight adolescents.”

Healthy foods rich in protein

Consumption of protein in the diet.

Animal origin

  • Fish : especially white and blue fish such as salmon or tuna. Contains between 11 to 22 grams of protein.
  • Veal meat : it is a juicy and fat-free meat that contains approximately 22 grams of protein per 100 grams of meat.
  • Chicken : also known as white meat represents 23 grams of protein per 100 grams of chicken.
  • Egg : this food contains approximately 7.5 grams of protein, which are concentrated mainly in the white. The yolk, on the other hand, is made up mostly of fat.
  • Milk : Dairy products in general contain a high degree of protein. For example, concentrated milk 32 grams in a 1 liter.

Vegetable origin

  • Beans : in half a plate of beans, up to 7 grams of protein can be concentrated. In addition, specialists recommend consuming it for its high degree of fiber.
  • Nuts : apart from the fact that they provide a high percentage of fibers, with just one ounce of nuts we can obtain 7 grams of protein.
  • Vegetables : a cup of mixed vegetables is capable of providing between 2 and 6 grams of protein.

These foods should be incorporated into a balanced diet, which includes the rest of the basic nutrients. In addition, it is recommended to supplement the diet with a good exercise routine that accelerates the burning of fat and promotes the formation of muscles.

Risks of consuming excess protein

Consuming too much protein can have harmful health effects. This is stated by specialist Kristi Wempen, a dietitian at the Mayo Clinic.

In that sense, he explains that when the body satisfies its needs, it cannot store proteins. On the contrary, the excess amounts are transformed into fat.

In addition, this can lead to an increase in lipids or insulin in the blood. If this happens, it would translate into major illnesses such as diabetes, heart system problems, and kidney damage.

Therefore, it is recommended not to consume more than 3 grams of protein per kilo. Only 2 grams are used by the body to repair tissues, build muscles and improve performance.

However, the best thing you can do is consult a specialist. According to the characteristics of your body, he will indicate what should be the indicated amount of protein in a diet for you.

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