Why Is Expressing Emotions Positive?

Emotions are very important. Learning to manage them intelligently is essential for our emotional life and physical health. In short, expressing emotions brings great benefits

Expressing your emotions is something we always recommend. However, since we are taught the opposite from childhood, it is much more difficult than it really is.

And is that many people may think that externalizing emotions is not important, probably because they are not aware of how positive it is and how many inconveniences it can avoid us.

Here are three great reasons why expressing emotions is a more than positive practice necessary in our lives:

1. Expressing emotions generates emotional well-being

why expressing emotions generates emotional well-being

We have to understand that all the emotions that we do not release become, in some way, a burden.

When we don’t express our emotions, we get angry more regularly, cry for no apparent reason, and don’t feel as happy and content with our lives.

To avoid the above, those who tend not to express their emotions should ask themselves: Why don’t I allow myself to express my emotions?

One of the reasons people tend not to express their emotions is because they think it is embarrassing, something that should be reserved for intimacy.

We can feel anger, without feeling guilty. We must cry, without trying to appease our crying out of shame.

We should not keep any emotion to ourselves, since sooner or later it will generate a consequence in our organism.

And, ultimately, the emotions that we keep for a long time threaten our emotional and physical well-being.

Some physical pain is not the result of an effort, but of the way in which we are managing our emotions.

Emotions are to be felt and released. Let’s not do something that goes against their nature.

2. Helps us improve our relationships with others

Expressing emotions not only generates well-being, but also contributes to improving our interpersonal relationships.

Sometimes, we can think that repressing emotions is positive at a relational level; that not expressing the anger that we feel with a friend, will unite us more to this; that not telling our partner what we think will avoid a conflict; among other things.

And we believe that this way we will solve the situation, but in reality, we will make it worse.

If we express what we feel in the moment in which we live it, the chances that everything will be resolved will be greater.

This despite the fact that at first a conflict may arise with the other person.

The important thing is that we will gain confidence and be more credible in the eyes of others.

But let’s get on the other side. We could ask ourselves: Would we prefer a friend or partner who does not say what they feel and pretend that everything is fine, when it is not?

Most likely, your answer has been a resounding “No.” Well then, you have to act in coherence with what is expected of others.

That is, we must do with others exactly what we would like them to do with us.

Some people have many insecurities in their relationships, so they are afraid to express their emotions. They are terrified of conflict, since they feel unable to deal with the anger of others, their rejection and the feeling of guilt.

To overcome this, we must learn to look within ourselves and find the reason for our insecurities. By doing this, we will be more aware of these insecurities and can act accordingly to overcome them.

3. It empowers us

why expressing emotions allows us to empower ourselves

Expressing emotions gives us the opportunity to empower ourselves in life. When we express what we feel in a respectful way, without fearing the response it may generate in others, we gain self-respect, trust, knowledge and growth.

And it is that sometimes, we have fears that we have never dared to question and, much less, confront. But the only way to overcome them is by daring to do precisely what we fear. Only then will we verify how real our fears are.

Let us express our emotions with intelligence. Let’s avoid “exploding” by expressing our emotions in a bad way with those people who do not deserve it.

As much as we repress them, our emotions will find a way to express themselves.

If we do it at the moment in which we experience them and in the correct way, we will be learning to manage them intelligently.

As a result of this,  our body will feel light in energy and emotion, which will allow us to face the demands of day to day with good disposition.

Images: Alicia Varela

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