World Breast Cancer Day: For All Brave Women

On October 19 of each year the world wears pink. Today is the day of breast cancer  and, although we always talk about brave women, we must also remember that about 1% of the diagnoses made each year include men.

It is not easy to celebrate this day without remembering a family member, a friend … In short, a close person who could not overcome the disease. However, this date is worth feeling for what it really intends.

We seek to raise awareness, sensitize the world to a disease that, although serious, can be overcome. Millions of women have managed to see the future with hope. Smile again after finishing a tough treatment and tell the world that it is possible. That breast cancer can be defeated.

Now, we are facing a disease behind whose treatment is integrated a magnificent group that makes those smiles possible. Those hopes renewed.

We are talking without a doubt about the researchers, the hematologists, the fantastic nurses who help, who cover each person affected by cancer so that the miracle is possible.

Nor can we forget all the people who make their donations every day so that there are more funds, more resources with which to pay good attention.

1 in 8 women will suffer from breast cancer

We know that the figure is scary. However, these references provided by organizations such as the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC) force us to break down the information a bit to understand some more data.

The incidence of breast cancer is increasing due to two very specific facts. The first is the longest life expectancy; the second refers to the impact of the new western ways of life. Another aspect refers to the scarcity of means in terms of prevention and care in countries with limited economic resources .

Now, far from obsessing over these figures, we must set our sights on the future. In fact, today, thanks to early detections and new treatments, breast cancer is no longer positioned as one of the main causes of death in women.

At present, lung cancer is the one with the highest prevalence. A challenge that medicine and public administrations must tackle as soon as possible. Let’s now look at important facts about breast cancer. Those that it never hurts to remember, and even discover.

The importance of self-exploration of the breasts

It costs nothing and yet you get a lot. Self-examination of our breasts should be something normal and everyday. Any irregularity, bump or color change is already an indicator that we should consult with our doctors.

Likewise, we must also remember that, from the age of 40, we must start having mammograms. However, the possibility of carrying out these medical check-ups is currently being evaluated. According to various studies, the diagnosis of breast cancer in women between 30 and 40 years of age is increasing. 

Family history of breast cancer

It is undoubtedly a low figure compared to the other age cohort. However, it is being seen that the histopathological characteristics are different and that, at times, the tumors can be very aggressive. The main problem is that young breasts are denser and better hide a possible tumor. It is not easy to perceive them, and hence the risk.

On the other hand, the associations also seek to give a voice to another group. To women over 70 years old. We cannot close our eyes to a very specific reality: from this age the risk of developing breast cancer is higher than that of a 40-year-old woman.

More powerful and personalized cancer treatments

Future cancer treatments are a breath of hope. It is expected that in the coming years they will be characterized by the following:

  • They will be more powerful.
  • Less toxic.
  • They will be customized for each patient.

Much of these new approaches are based on immunotherapy. It is intended that the cells of our organism are the ones who, by themselves, are capable of attacking and defending themselves against carcinogenic ones. Good progress is already being seen in human clinical trials today.

Research centers such as “City of Hope” develop new drugs with which to give a more effective response to conventional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Most likely, immunotherapy will soon be combined with ordinary treatments. Little by little, and depending on the progress observed, this new technique will be applied, with which the side effects are minimal.

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